User Interface
5. User Interface & Frontend Functionality
5.1. End-User Features
Dynamic Content Areas
Landing Page Components
interface LandingPageSection { hero: { title: string; subtitle: string; ctaButton: { text: string; action: string; }; }; features: Feature[]; testimonials: Testimonial[]; faq: FAQItem[]; }
Search Interface
- Real-time search suggestions
- Advanced filtering options
- Category-based navigation
- Search history tracking
[!NOTE] ๐ธ Screenshot Needed: Landing page with key components highlighted
Database Access Interface
Search Limitations
interface SearchLimits { freeUsers: { dailySearches: number; exportLimit: number; resultLimit: number; }; paidUsers: { unlimited: boolean; apiAccess: boolean; bulkExport: boolean; }; }
Results Display
- Customizable columns
- Sorting capabilities
- Pagination controls
- Export options
[!NOTE] ๐ธ Screenshot Needed: Search interface with results display
User Dashboard
Account Management
- Profile settings
- Subscription status
- Usage statistics
- Billing history
Data Access Controls
interface UserPermissions { canExport: boolean; canShare: boolean; canCreateAPI: boolean; maxResults: number; }
[!NOTE] ๐ธ Screenshot Needed: User dashboard overview
5.2. Frontend Customization
Template System
Available Templates
interface TemplateConfig { name: string; components: { header: React.Component; footer: React.Component; sidebar: React.Component; searchBar: React.Component; }; styles: { colors: ThemeColors; typography: Typography; spacing: Spacing; }; }
Custom Components
- Component override system
- Prop injection
- Theme integration
[!NOTE] ๐ Diagram Needed: Template system architecture
Styling System
Theme Configuration
interface Theme { colors: { primary: string; secondary: string; accent: string; background: string; text: string; }; typography: { fontFamily: string; fontSize: Record<string, string>; fontWeight: Record<string, number>; }; spacing: { unit: number; scale: number[]; }; }
CSS Modules
- Component-specific styles
- Global styles
- Utility classes
[!NOTE] ๐ธ Screenshot Needed: Theme customization interface
Component Library
Core Components
interface ComponentLibrary { buttons: { primary: React.Component; secondary: React.Component; icon: React.Component; }; forms: { input: React.Component; select: React.Component; checkbox: React.Component; }; layout: { container: React.Component; grid: React.Component; card: React.Component; }; }
Extension Points
- Component composition
- HOC patterns
- Custom hooks
[!NOTE] ๐ Diagram Needed: Component hierarchy and relationships
Responsive Design
Breakpoint System
const breakpoints = { xs: '320px', sm: '640px', md: '768px', lg: '1024px', xl: '1280px', };
Mobile Optimization
- Touch-friendly controls
- Adaptive layouts
- Performance considerations
[!NOTE] ๐ธ Screenshot Needed: Responsive design examples across devices
State Management
Global State
interface AppState { user: UserState; search: SearchState; ui: UIState; database: DatabaseState; }
Local State Management
- Component state
- Context API usage
- Custom hooks
[!NOTE] ๐ Diagram Needed: State management flow
Performance Optimization
Code Splitting
// Dynamic imports const DynamicComponent = dynamic(() => import('./Component'), { loading: () => <LoadingSpinner />, ssr: false, });
Caching Strategy
- API response caching
- Static page generation
- Image optimization
Monitoring Tools
interface PerformanceMetrics { fcp: number; // First Contentful Paint lcp: number; // Largest Contentful Paint fid: number; // First Input Delay cls: number; // Cumulative Layout Shift }
[!NOTE] ๐ Diagram Needed: Performance optimization workflow
Accessibility Features
ARIA Implementation
interface AccessibilityFeatures { landmarks: string[]; roles: string[]; states: Record<string, boolean>; properties: Record<string, string>; }
Keyboard Navigation
- Focus management
- Shortcut keys
- Tab order
Screen Reader Support
- Semantic HTML
- Alternative text
- ARIA labels
[!NOTE] ๐ธ Screenshot Needed: Accessibility testing tools and results